This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Here I sit at about 12:23 am on 22-Feb-2007. I just happened onto the New Zealand Herald website where it is reported that Auckland experienced several earthquakes this evening -- measuring as much as 4.5 on the Richter Scale.

I guess Mindy and I missed it. I don't remember anything out of the ordinary in the evening and certainly nothing that I would consider a techtonic event. A dish did slide off the counter and break on the floor earlier this evening at time that would coincide with SOME of the reports, but we attributed it more to our precariously stacked draining rack than to outside forces.

Amazingly, there has been no coverage of this on TV -- still hasn't, I just looked. Back in Abilene, if there is even the potential for a natural disaster, the networks bombard you with repeated information like some modern twist on Chinese water torture. Here, nothing. I hope there is nothing that I need to be doing.

There is a series of commercials from the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness, or some such governmental agency, in which a menacing looking bloak keeps promising that he will tell us what "[we] need to keep [us] and [our] family safe," but he has not done so yet. To think that the big moment almost came and went without the Ministry of the Getting Together of Things Necessary for Safety and Welfare in the Face of Impending Doom, or some such governmental agency, playing THE last commercial in the series where Deadly-Serious Guy finally makes good on his promise to prepare us for the quasi-End.

I just went to the website for the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (the correct name). It doesn't even list the earthquake as having occurred. So much for lightning-fast emergency response, seamless coordination of agencies, and rapid dissemination of information.


Blogger Cyndi Hughs said...

I was in an earthquake once in Iowa. I thought someone in the apt had slammed a door causing my lamp shade to shake and the wall I was leaning against to tremor. I was watching TV and nothing was mentioned about an earthquake. But, then Mom called to ask if I was ok from the earthquake...imagine my surprise.
Better the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness than the Department of Homeland Defense....they scare the heck out of me!!!! I get wet palms when I hear the name...kind of reminds me of the KGB (or whatever that group of Hitler goons was called). That department and the power they have to do whatever they want without attention to civil liberty or personal freedom makes me want to flee the country!

7:01 PM


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