This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's Damn Hot

It's hot, damn hot. Actually the thermometer says it is only 81F, but I would swear it were at least 10F degrees hotter than that. It must be the humidity, which is stifling.

To make matters worse, there is no AC in any houses here. Mindy and I have considered taking refuge in malls, libraries or other public buildings or in our car during the afternoons, but so far have managed only to lay half- (or fully-) naked in front of our one working fan. We have already burned the motors out of three fans this summer.

I don't know why Kiwis don't have AC or heat (not now!) in their houses. A nice 3/2 house here would cost you almost USD$300,000. For that, you don't even get to be cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Not long ago (during winter) we were taking refuge in public places during the day because of the cold. Now, it is the heat. I long for the days in America when I was never more than 5 quick steps from an air-conditioned structure.

Bye for now -- we are going in search of fans, ice, and AC somewhere.


Blogger Cyndi Hughs said...

Well, I would offer you refuge in Trent but we don't have water-Mike has had it turned off! There was a leak at the dam on the road up to the house, on Lettie's side-our meter was at the house so it didn't cover water between the house and I-20. So, the city fixed that-they have moved the meter to the highway-1/2 mile away from the house. Now the water leak is on our meter and it is our responsibility to fix it and/or pay for the water-of course, they don't know where the line runs and we don't know where the line runs so we will have to dig up our property and our neighbor's property. But, BY GOD someone has to pay for that water that has been leaking for the last couple of weeks!!!!
Sorry, we were discussing AC-I hate being can they stand it...of course, I can't even imagine being hot right now! Snowing again-visualize snow up to your shoulders and more snow falling....does that make you feel cooler...the mind is supposed to be very powerful.

7:27 PM


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