This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Home Again (by Mindy)

We made it home safe and sound. We did enjoy our last couple of days. They had trams similar to those in San Fran so we got a day pass. We rode around and were told all the hot spots to hit. One of which was a Fudge Factory where we were told you could taste all 18 flavors before buying. Well, of course we headed straight there. After tasting several flavors we were told about a tour of the factory that was taking place that afternoon. We signed up and were told to skip lunch or we wouldn't have enough room for everything we would get to taste! When we returned at the set time we were told by the tour guide to pace ourselves so we didn't get sick and to take all the pictures we wanted. Brandon and I looked at each other because this was very different from the Cadbury tour we had taken. They locked up our cameras and bags, gave us one sample bag a piece (actually Brandon got me two on account of being pregnant!) and then took us to their store to purchase what ever chocolate we wanted. This "factory" was a 2 room workshop. One that held the equipment and the other where about 4-5 people work. They had one vat that made a dining table amount of fudge every 1.5 hours. Our tour was set to see them finishing off the hokey-pokey fudge they were making. While the tour guide described the process of how they made the fudge a lady would come around with fudge samples and a couple of other sweets they made there, too. It took about an hour and I certainly had a sugar high when we left. I read that pickle can taste the amniotic fluid and favors sweet, so he ought to have been VERY happy! We checked into our hotel that had a BATH TUB!!!! and then went and rode a Gondola that went up into the mountains and gave a beautiful view of Christchurch. We ate that night at a very interesting place called Sophies Steak house. I had a ribeye with nachos on top of it--a pregnant woman's dream :) On a side note I have deleloped a craving for garlic which is so strange since I previously didn't even like it. Brandon got some type of ginormous bacon burger. We went back the next day for half priced breakfast Tuesday.

We are going through the pictures and will post them ASAP!


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