This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I am alive, but still not blogging

As you may have noticed, I have not blogged in a while. We made a trip to the US and saw many of the regular readers to this blog. I don't know why I haven't written and I don't really have anything to say right now. So I will direct you all to a great website called Escape from America. It is really cool. The ex-pat contributors range from "normal" people to conspiracy theorists.


Blogger Cyndi Hughs said...

On my blog, I find it isn't as much fun to blog since no one responds anymore. I like the interplay.

7:44 AM

Blogger MamaKB said...

Ok, I'm commenting! That magazine has some pretty awesome articles. I think I want to move to South America now... Or at least hitch-hike through Argentina.... That's a beautiful country. ~Kaeli

9:50 AM

Blogger Cyndi Hughs said...

I found my perfect job! It is in Costa Rica in a rain forest preserve...they are looking for a couple to act as administrator and caretakers of the resort on the river in the mountains. They want a couple who is spiritually aware and ecologically minded- or some words like that! Talking about beautiful!!!

2:04 PM

Blogger Brandon said...


Argentina is gorgeous and so is Chile. We were considering moving to one of the two, but could not find a job where English was spoken. Neither one of us speak Spanish well, but I wouldn't hesitate to dive in anyway if I had a plan to support us for several months while we learned the language. Also it is important to note that the hunting in Argentina is second to none in the world. Check out

6:39 PM

Blogger MamaKB said...

There is no limit on doves in Argentina as of the last time I looked into it. I hear the fishing is amazing too. As much as I've studied the history and as much as I KNOW Rusty would enjoy himself; one day WE WILL at least take a vacation down there! Cyndi, I say 'Go to Costa Rica!'

3:32 AM


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