This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Safe Passage to Christchurch

We arrived safely in Christchurch early this afternoon. Christchurch is a quaint city of 350,000 and is the largest city on the South Island. It has a historic feel to it -- especially the churches, which are beautiful old stone buildings.

We picked up our little campervan and had a nice long talk with the attendant at the rental center, which he and his wife run. After a short break for orientation and refreshments, we were off. We picked North almost at random and pointed the blunt end of the tin cracker box in that direction.

The roadside scenery from the front seat of the van was breathtaking. It contrasts starkly with the scenery around Auckland and up North. Mindy and I were both reminded of the roadtrips we took around central California while staying with Ashley and Joey. Christchurch and surrounds lie in a flat yellow plain within sight, but not close, to the Southern Alps. Our trip took us as far as Hamner Springs, where we found a "holiday park" and this internet terminal.

It is 8pm, but still very light. It seems that the days are MUCH longer down here. We have been told that on the southern part of the South Island sunset is as late as 11pm and sunrise as early as 5am. Here in the central north of the South Island it is more like 9pm and 6am.

Donna will be glad to know that there are hedgerows down here too. In fact they are either taller (maybe like 100 feet!) and more impressive or they seem so because the flora is more sparse.

The weather so far has been much colder than in Auckland. I have not seen a forecast but we arrived in Christchurch to a high of 11C, as opposed to 21C in Auckland. I may sleep in the campervan with Mindy after all :)


Blogger Cyndi Hughs said...

Sounds wonderful-especially the way you write it. You have such a talent for writing-I enjoy reading your posts so much. Looking forward to updates when and if possible or a travel log at the end-pictures too, please, when you can. I love the mental images!!! Want to see if the real thing matches. I think the summer nights may be shorter in New Zealand than in Alaska-although summer and light are two things I would like to see. Snowing and snowing-another foot today!

7:43 AM


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