This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Today we went to Piha Beach. It is about 20 minutes from us and supposedly a great surfing beach. The waves did look wild, maybe I'll learn how to surf! We climbed all over the rocks and found some amazing sights and more interesting sea-life. I can only post 4 pics at a time so that is why there are several sections.

Danger is my middle name :) Don't worry, Brandon called me back and would let me go no further than that! [Brandon -- Environmental destruction of delicate areas is her middle name.]

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Blogger Brandon said...

The butter churn looking thing is a carving of a woman. This area was where a tribe lived and the lion rock was there last line of defence when attacked. -by Mindy

9:20 AM


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