This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Questions and Answers

The weekend phone conversations brought forth great ideas for some of the problems we have encountered setting up house. Wanda solved our lent debaucle. [Our dryer, positioned in the all-purpose room, has NO venting system. Needless to say, our room for salvation has a fine petina of lent.] The simple answer--put pantyhose over the vent to catch it. We have the hose, but have yet to do laundry. We will keep you posted, but I have no doubts.

The second of our problems was solved by Nana. We have a couple of cubbyholes we would like to use for storage. We have been searching for a tension rod to place over said cubbyholes, so that they can be discreatly hidden by a curtain. Unfortunately New Zealand has never heard of such a thing. Nana reminded us that Debbie is renowned for the use of nature in her decorating and suggested we use a branch to hang the curtain. Walking back from town Brandon spotted the perfect piece of bamboo that had been knocked down. It was about 20 feet long and full of limbs. We tried to break off part of the end, but it was too thick. We tride to peel off some of the branches, but they were still too green. So, being only about a quarter of a mile from home, we decided just to drag it along behind us. We weren't exactly sure if it was legal so Brandon tucked the trunk under his armpit, grabbed my hand and we strolled along down the side walk as if there were no 20-foot long, bushy tree dragging along behind us. Not 100 yards down the road from finding our first treasure, I discovered another. There was another piece of Bamboo about a foot long and much wider than our tree that was longing to become a candle holder. So I quickly tucked it away in Brandon's back-pack so as not to arouse suspicious and, holding hands once again, we continued on our romantic walk home.

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