This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Lifestyle (by Mindy)

We have had the most wonderful day! We woke up with sunshine streaming in our bedroom window. We dressed quickly and walked up the mountain to the village, where we had the most scrumcious breakfast. Then we made our way down to the local market. It occurs every last Saturday of the month, so those of you planning a visit need to put it around that weekend. It was very artsy, but affordable. There were beautiful hand made dishes, jewelry, and clothes, paintings, photographs, and FOOD. I visited for a long while with a woman who knits (I think that's what you would call it) clothes. They were the craziest and most comfortable pants and shirts and wraps I've ever seen. After browsing for quite a while and finding several things I wanted, but not finding my size, I convinced her to measure me and make some items to fit! So I have a pair of purple pants that are made out of chenille that she is going to resize for me and then she is going to make me a pair of tights. I'm not sure how to describe them, b/c they are thicker than the tights we are used to in the states. These are going to be some shade of green and I think pink and white striped. She is having the wool died tomorrow so she wasn't sure of the exact color. It is all the rage here to wear skirts with these cute tights and boots. Which brings me to the next most interesting guy. Brandon had already met this man while trying to find me a wool rug. This man hand makes Ugg type boots and sheep skin rugs.. His boots are much higher quality and cheaper than Uggs! We visited with him a good while and I think we are going to go to his store (so he can properly fit us) and Brandon is going to get a pair of house shoes that are wool-lined on the bottom and possum lined on the inside of the top. They are SO soft and cozy feeling. I am looking at a tall, brown pair of boots--thinking they will look WAY cute with my new tights and a skirt a got from Ashley :) We tasted some delicious venison salami and some fried muscles that we were unable to pass up, too. Brandon found some very neat pants that we can both wear. I let you ponder that for a moment! They are called Thai fisherman's pants. You pull the pants up until they are the correct length and then you wrap the waist around you to fit and tie it. You then roll down the excess waist and have very cute (or handsome) pants. They are also supposed to be good for pregnant women, so if any you want a pair let me know! We have both tried them on and they do fit us both quite nicely. You jewelry lovers are going to need to come with some saved money b/c it is so affordable here. I have bought the most beautiful necklaces for great prices. I've seen so many things that I want and that are so cheap that it is hard to pass up!

After such a lovely morning, we walked back home and dined on venison salami sandwiches and took a little nap. This afternoon we decided to go check out the nearest beach. It is one that we will be able to kayak to from the little creek near our house. It was most interesting! It was a black sand beach and was covered in rocks and sea shells and starfish. We found some starfish like we have in Texas, but it was mostly a smaller, fatter version. Once we found one we realized they were ALL OVER the place. We found clams and other types of shellfish that I don't know the names. There were several different groups gathering up bags of different shellfish. Unfortunately they had to empty out all of their hard work b/c a beach patrol man came and told them that the shell fish had been poisoned and were very dangerous to eat. Evidently there is some type of algae or something that the shellfish eat which is not great on the human digestive system. We were surprised that had they not been poisoned those people would have been able to harvest themselves a nice dinner--so different from the states.

Brandon took lots of pictures today of the local village, the beach, and I think of the market. We will try to get them posted in the next couple of days. We won't be able to have internet at our house for a week or two more. I have no idea why it is such a slow process to get phone and internet here, but it is very frustrating! I suppose it's because most people are enjoying the great outdoors. We are thinking it is going to be quite easy to get used to this new lifestyle!


Blogger Brandon said...

The breakfasts are very similar to the US. However, the eggs are so good even I can eat them. I think the flavor comes from two things: (1) cream and (2) farm-fresh brown eggs -- both of which are widely available and cream is used with reckless abandon. Surpisingly there is very little obesity. There are also very good link breakfast sausages called "breakers." Mindy has scrambled eggs on whole grain toast and I had a bagel with cream cheese and jam.

9:58 AM


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