This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Monday, June 19, 2006

First day on the job!!

Well, I had a fabulous first day and learned heaps of facts of living in New Zealand. First about about my job! I am the only SLT at the moment. The other therapist has been on leave and decided last week she wanted to retire. They have plans of hiring a graduate student to come and take the other ladies place. The retiring SLT came in this afternoon to show me where everything was and gave me her number in case I have any questions. So I get top choice on everything!! I'll have 6 classrooms of students and was told to pick out 5 for now and work with each one for a day!! 3 or 4 of the classes are either brand new b/c of growing sizes or have a brand new teacher. I was told that for now the best thing to do with these classes are to just help the teacher set up the classroom with visual aides--What ever system I deem best. Which is absolutely my favorite thing to do in the world!! The 2 classes that are already "set up" are supposed to have very innovative teachers so that is great as well. The school is also taking a look at its assistive technology so I got put on that committee as well, which I'm excited about, and I'm going to some workshop in a couple of weeks. I think it's going to be interesting because they use mostly European (England) programs and devices so I'm not at all familiar with names. It does appear that they are mostly the same devices we use in the states once I get them to describe it. Apparently the "specialists" don't really have to be at work on time. I was told to come in around 8:30 and when we were walking to my office the assistant told me that she told the girls to be on time today so hopefully they were all there so I could meet them all! Oh, and we also break for morning tea at 10:30!! The paperwork is so crazy! I have to sign and date a sheet for each child every time I see them and THREE times a year I need to write a blurb on how they are doing so I'll have it for the end-of-the-year write-up. If any of you were worried about my first-day attire, you can stop. Several of the other therapist had very similar outfits AND I saw another nose rings as well. The people were so nice and look like they are going to be tons of fun. Somebody shouted my lunch today (yeah, threw me too, but I learned that means they were buying). The SLT that is retiring brought baked goods today when she came. She made some muffins especially in my honor using US cherries--they were delicious. I had another treat from my sweet house-husband who brought me a nice after-school snack when he came to pick me up. Waiting in the passenger seat was a chocolate cupcake and a carton of milk! I learned that NZ cinnamon and vanilla are not as strong tasting as our US kinds. I think we may be requesting those items in a care package later!

We ended today by dining out at an Indian restaurant. We split some chicken something as an appetizer and a lamb something for the entree. It was all very delicious--more sweet than spicey. We also had Naan which I can only describe as a thick tortilla, also very heavenly. I'm sure B will write a better description and may even remember the names.

We are hoping to get to stay in the house tomorrow night (Tuesday). I can't wait to get it all set up and send you pictures!! I know some of you will appreciate that we splurged a bit and bought egyption cotton sheets AND towels!! They feel like your wrapped in clouds.


Blogger kiwichick said...

I get to leave around 4 and there's around 5-7 kids per class (that I've seen so far.)

8:37 AM

Blogger kiwichick said...

Hmm...I'm thinking I might get start later than 8:30. It's almost 9 here and none of the other specialists have arrived!

8:41 AM


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