This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Dixie Chicks

I know that Mindy promised that I would write a post about this weekend's flea-markets and other shopping, but I have run out of time today. Suffice it to say that we spent a ridiculous amount of money and had loads of fun rebuying what we sold back in the States. I will provide the promised post tomorrow.

As for my first day of house husbandry, I was unable to delay the deliveries and learned that the people at the launderette would do the wash for only slightly more than if I did it myself. Guess for which I opted?

Instead, I wanted to write a quick note about New Zealand's opinion of the Dixie Chicks. There is basically NO country music here. You will catch a fleeting note of country every now and then, but nothing compared to what we had in Texas. I would say good riddance, except that Kiwis are totally unfamiliar with the "Texas Country" genre of which the Lone Star State is so rightfully proud. Perhaps I could introduce it here without interesting the Kiwis in the Nashville brand of country, which really sucks. The one exception to the "no country music" generality above is the music of the Dixie Chicks. It is heard widely and played on radio stations of all types.

Unlike their cold reception in my home state, I heard the Dixie Chicks referred to on a New Zealand radio commercial (touting that it played Dixie Chicks' music), as "Rebels, Heroes, Renegades, and Mums." Heroes? The Dixie Chicks? Well I think so, but I did not believe that anyone else held that belief until I arrived in NZ.

Telling Shrub (Bush Jr.) to "stick it" is not wildly popular in Texas. Therefore, the Dixie Chicks have been ostracized by fans in Texas, their homestate and mine. Radio stations across the United States, but particularly in the more ignorant locales, have refused to play Dixie Chicks music.

Halleluah that there are those (and I include myself here) that not only respect political dissidents' right to speak their mind, but also freely give support to those who speak up. I am proud to count myself among Kiwi's in celebrating the Dixie Chicks, their unpopular comments, and their refusal to recant, even if I find their music grating and whinny at times.

I hope that those who read this post would join me in purchasing the Dixie Chicks' new CD. For God's sake, do not buy it at Wal-Mart -- it will be censored and you will be supporting all kinds of societal evils. Check your local, independently-owned music store. Remember "Mom and Pop?"

And if you have a radio station in your area that refuses to play their music, I urge you to call and complain. I do regret that the best sign of solidarity in this situation is also blatantly commercial and lines the pockets of all kinds of middlemen who don't deserve a penny, but I am not creative enough at this moment to divine an alternative. If you have one, post it in the comments.

Well, I need to go check on the nice Middle-Eastern boy that is doing my laundry. Cheers.


Blogger Brandon said...

Update on the laundry. Seems that I failed to get the whole story at the time of drop off. I was quoted $2.80 per load if I did it myself and $3.30 a load if it was done for me. Easy decision. After I committed, I was asked if I wanted the laundry dried. I said "Yes," and was asked "How dry?" I guess I am presumed to have a laundry line and also presumed to have the inclination to hang the laundry out, even when I have demonstrated my lack of initiative by having someone else wash it. I stated that I would like the laundry fully dried. The tab at pick-up for about 2 loads of laundry was $25.20. I have since learned that drying is very expensive -- about $8.00 per 40 minutes, but like the nice Iranian (my guess) boy's father said at pick-up, "Drop off ... pick up ... easy."

5:16 PM

Blogger Brandon said...

Further update on the laundry. I was wrong to have belittled the laundry workers. I have appearantly angered the Laundrette Gods and I humbly pray for their forgiveness. When we inspected the laundry it was found to be horribly miscolored -- the result of it having all been washed together in one large load, I have since discovered. Included in the laundry as offenders were new pairs of black sport socks and a new chocolate brown towel set. Victims were all white socks (which are now blue), two yellow shirts (now interesting shades of green), a pair of kahki pants (now of a color that escapes description), a kahki shirt (ditto), two pair of Mindy's panties (I did not notice a difference, but she claims they were differently multi-colored than the present) and, most tragic, a new set of Egyptian Cotton 400-thread count lime green sheets (now limey, mossy green). The injuries to the yellow shirts and the sheets are likely fatal. Others are critical, but still wearable depending on the occasion. Before noticing that our $80 sheets were ruined I negotiated a refund. Now, I must go back tomorrow for compensation. I had no idea how hard the life of a house-husband was. I start the job search tomorrow. Just kidding.

7:58 PM

Blogger kiwichick said...

I would like to make note that Brandon hired out the laundry so (I believe) he could watch the daytime talkshows. He has provided me with all kinds of health, beauty, and cooking tips that he could have only obtained through daytime television. I will be checking for the bonbon wrappers when we get back to the room. :)

8:08 PM


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