This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Hair-Raising Episode

Greetings all! Well, my first day of work is tomorrow so I will be keeping this short in order to prepare myself! We have had a small setback in our house. It has a small leak in the skylight and so we are probably not going to be able to move in until Tuesday. Brandon has his first test as house-husband tomorrow because he will have to coordinate the rescheduling of all of the delivery trucks and hopefully be able to fit in a little cleaning! ;)

We've spent the weekend shopping at markets and great sales. Brandon is going to give you a full update on that tomorrow--if he has time with all of his house duties.

I, of course, had to have a new hair-do for my job. So I did a little window shopping (quite literally) before walking into one that I chose on the basis of the cool hair posters it had hanging. I went all the way with new color and cut because I'm just that crazy--I've decided I might need some sort of support group because I seem to get a high from daring hair ventures. Well, this was by far the most interesting one. The stylist was a very trendy looking Asian woman who also had another Asian woman as an apprentice. The apprentice also happened to be learning English, which is another part of the story I'll share in a moment. I have learned that there is a difference between highlights and frosting here. I asked for blond and red highlights (of course nothing simple on my first trip to the salon) and some how in the translation I received all over blond with red highlights. The apprentice had evidently had a bad day and was quite stressed and determined to end her day on a good note with her teacher. She did everything quite vigorously and only stopped when the real stylist told her to. The blond was painted on to my head with a paint brush and she literally painted my hair for 20 minutes!! I didn't think I was going to have any hair left to cut or color. The real stylist did come and give it a once over to make sure it was good. I then sat for 45 minutes, we washed and discussed the red. We decided to do red chunks just on the tips--and it all turned out really cool! While I sat with the red on my hair we got to visiting and they learned I was a speech therapist so we spent most of the 30 minutes the red was on my hair in a accent reduction therapy session. The assistant who was learning English had several mispronunciations that her teacher had been trying to help with--all hair terminology of course. By the time I left she could say permanent and towel fairly well. So I can now put on my resume that I have experience with accent reduction! Then came the cut (the real stylist did the cut and red). We had just rinsed out the red and they had towel-dried my hair--not combed it out--and she just starts cutting!!! It was completely exhilarating--and turned out quite nicely. Nothing like I had asked for and I had to request a couple of changes, but quite nice all the same. After three-and-a-half hours I walked out satisfied.

Well, I must run to get ready for my first day of work. Check tomorrow for Brandon's post on the markets and sales, and maybe even for an account of my first day. Though with the time difference it may be your next morning!


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