This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Things I've noticed in New Zealand (by Donna)

The kids were very surprised about how little Christmas was celebrated. It is surprising if you see lights on houses etc. However, in the area they live you really can't see the houses from the road. In the beach houses in town, you could see them and maybe there were 3 houses we saw in the town that had lights. We saw several people wih their trees after I came which was really close to Christmas. Brandon said they really didn't start playing Christmas music till the 20th or so in all the stores and the people didn't really start shoppping till school was out which was the Wed. of the week I came. The toilets have little buttons on the top which you push to flush. There are 2 buttons, one for a little job and one for a big job. Also, most public toilets are unisex, a fact I new but sort of forgot yesterday when we were at the Gold Class Theatre.
Just before the movie started Mindy and I dashed in to potty. There was a little area inside the door with a mirror, I guess to touch up your make up and then another door to go into the potty. since we were in a rush, I went ahead and unfastened my pants so I could dash in as soon as she came out. Much to my dismay about that time, a young man walked in and just
stood in that tiny room with me waiting! I luckily had my hoodie on and managed to kind of wrap it around so my pants didn't gape open! Something to remember when visiting!
The kiwis not only drive on the wrong side of the road, they naturally walk that way too. Brandon pointed out yesterday that the walking would go better for us if we would move over on the sidewalk, stairs etc. I can't get used to it still although I can ride now without my tummy flipping over on the circles (turn arounds) They really make you feel like you are going the
wrong way! There are almost no pick ups or big cars here. I think I've seen one pick up. Even trucks like trash trucks, delivery etc. are usually way smaller. They are toyotas most of the time. Also, the kiwis are CRAZY drivers. The roads are mostly narrow, two lane roads that have no shoulders to speak of b/c the plants grow right up to the edge of the road. At least
in this area anyway. The roads are winding, and go up and down hill constantly. They get in their little cars and fly around the corners and hills and may cross over the line at very inoportune times. Add to the mix lots of bikes and pedestrians. Also, they don't have yellow lines, only white ones on the roads. I have to rush off to get dressed to go out and about today. This is such a fun fun adventure for me. I think I am a gypsy at heart and could live happily in an apartment and travel tons more! I love watching people and seeing how differently or the
same they do things. Oh yes, there are TONS of pregnant women here. they seem to have a baby about every 9 - 15 months. Their strollers have a place for a baby, then a little add on for a toddler and usually one or two more walking alongside and Mum may be pregnant. It seems they have about 3 kids as close together as possible. One morning, I got to see them
going to school. Most folks walk their children to school so here goes Mum or Dad (lots of stay at home Dads here carrying around the babies) with the kids, a pram and backpacks walking along together to school. The sidewalks were just full of people. Mindy says that from about the age of 10 or so the kids in her neighborhood walk along with cups of coffee but the kids
in other areas carry cokes along and drink on the way. Apparently this neighborhood is more health concious? Anyway, that is all I can think of right now of interest. The weather forcast today is 17 and 1 raindrop. The weather has a little picture of the sun (if you're lucky) and either a light gray cloud or dark gray cloud with 1 - 4 raindrops telling you how much it will rain
that day. One raindrop is good but right now it is pouring. Of course it will probably clear off and be fine in 10 minutes! I have learned that 17 is blue jean weather and long sleeves and a hoodie for me though so I have to go put away the shorts I have out. It was really warm yesterday if it wasn't windy anyway. Have a great day everyone! I'll be home Sunday or Monday !


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