This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Don't feed the ducks (By Mindy)

A cute little duck couple waddled up to our porch yesterday. I went to grab the camera but they had waddled off, so I went to the front door to see if I could catch them in the neighbors yard. I opened the front door and found they were actually coming to visit us!

I made the mistake of give them some sunflower seeds and they became obsessed and wouldn't leave us alone

The pecked at the windows and even tried to come through the cat door!

We were locked in our house hiding from the grizzley beasts for hours. At night fall they finally disappeared. Today they returned. We weren't paying attention and they almost made it into the house before we noticed! Fortunately a huge truck carrying the boxes we shipped arrived and scared them off. Valuable lesson was learned--DON'T FEED THE DUCKS!!


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