This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Kayak Fisher Attacked by Great White Shark

In seeking a "free" (or at least relatively inexpensive) hobby to pass the days, I considered fishing. I can actually put a kayak in a creek not 100 meters from here and end up in the ocean. Kayak fishing is very popular and supposedly effective for catching red snapper. But after reading this, I may fish from the wharf.

"What happens when the roles between the fisherman and the fish are reversed?

How do we react when a great white shark is stalking us?

Does it really make any difference if the shark just wants to play, or is intent on tearing flesh from bone?

Kayak fisherman Paul Morris is one of very few anglers who knows the answers to these questions.

It is a chilling tale that leaves this writer in awe of the sheer determination of the man who prevailed.

The following shark attack incident happened in January 2005 while Paul was on a fishing expedition at Taupiri Bay in Northland, New Zealand."

Shark Attack Story -- click here

P.S. -- 6 meters is approximately 20 feet.


Blogger Brandon said...

It would be silly to live here and not go into the ocean. I won't allow fear to keep me from living. I figure you take reasonable precautions and if you are one of the very few that has an encounter with a shark then that is bad luck, fate or divine providence. I am shopping for a fishing kayak right now.

8:24 AM

Blogger Pau;l Morris NZ said...

Hi I am Paul Morris the one that had the encounter with the shark. Even though this was an event that left my nerves shattered for a long time. I firmly beleive now that I was the one to blame and not the shark. Why?

I was the one in the sharks domain and I had chum on my kayak from fishing and my hands, as well as blood after cutting my knee keeping the shark interested.

There are more dangers in the world apart from sharks and we should not stop doing the things we want to do out of Fear.

We can all make ourselves appear or not appear part of any creatures natural food source. BHrandons comments are awesome. Live Life Now!!

Checkout my website.

4:04 AM

Blogger Pau;l Morris NZ said...

Hi I am Paul Morris the one that had the encounter with the shark. Even though this was an event that left my nerves shattered for a long time. I firmly beleive now that I was the one to blame and not the shark. Why?

Checkout my website.

4:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brandon. Could you please cghange the link to my new website of Paul Morris.

Here you can see lots of Kool stuff that I have been and still am doing with Discovery Channel as well as loads about Diving in NZ.

Cheers Paul Morris

3:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brandon>>>> Could you please change the link on this shark article to my new website

Kindest Regards
Paul Morris

3:10 AM


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