This is my oh-so humble contribution to the blogosphere. My wife and I moved from West Texas to Waitakere New Zealand, because we were becoming content with the routine of life and that scared the Hell out of us. This blog updates friends and family at home. I also write what occurs to me when I feel like it. If it appears that the blog has Multiple Personality Disorder, it does. My wife and I both contribute.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Boobs on Bikes

This weekend is Erotica Expo 2006 in Auckland. As part of the advance advertising of the Expo, the Boobs on Bikes parade was held on Queen Street in downtown Auckland yesterday. There has been much hubbub in the media this week regarding whether such an event should be allowed.

In my opinion, the proponents of the Parade have taken the wrong position on why the parade should be allowed. They have been on TV and radio talking about how natural the female breast is (though not necessarily in their case); how its a women's rights issue (though pornography is not necessarily good for women); and how its a free speech issue (though, ironically, these proponents are not the most articulate speakers generally).

On the morning program yesterday, a very buxom nimphette (the one in the photo above) tried to explain how the Boobs on Bikes Parade is empowering for women and it is a women's rights issue. The interviewer smartly asked the porn star what women's rights activism she is involved in other than that related to her job as a porn star. After much stuttering and backtracking, the silicon sex kitten gave some kind of indecipherable answer about helping women in Africa. I bet she couldn't even point to Africa on a map.

The fact of the matter is that the parade is being held because it is fun and because it is good for business -- and what is good for business is good for the Auckland economy. The parade was not organized for women's rights or for free speech. To claim that it was cheapens free speech and gives undeserved credibility to this silly event. Free speech may be why the City Council can't stop the parade, but it is not why it is being held.

I am actually in favor of Boobs on Bikes -- because I like looking at boobs, because it is fun, because it is silly, because it is an interesting study in human behavior, and for other reasons -- but not because it is good for women or for freedom of speech.

News today said that the crowd yesterday was larger than for the annual Santa Parade.

Today's media coverage:

Wide-Eyed at Topless Parade

Fronting Up on Boob Street

And in pure genius -- Union Rally Meets Boobs on Bikes


Blogger Brandon said...

The word verification changes everytime and I don't choose it. I put it on because of the crap that was being posted. This will stop it from being posted automatically by a computer program.

The participants in the parade were all pornography stars or topless dancers. I have never seen anything draw such a crowd as this did. I don't think that many people would show up to watch me bowl silicon balls down Queen Street - though it was quite a similar exercise.

I am going to add a couple more pictures since there have been some questions. I was facinated by the crowd and by the on-lookers.

2:28 PM

Blogger john said...

The latest on this story is here

8:00 PM


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